Keen to drum up a bit of support for their business, UK online cartridge retailer Cartridge Save thought it would be a whizzo idea to calculate how much paper would be needed to print a year’s worth of Facebook statuses.
Assuming that Facebook’s 800 million users updated their statuses once a day, the company calculated that to print that lot out would take 11.5 billion sheets of your finest A4.
Clearly, it’s all back of a fag packet stuff here, but the company works on the assumption that each of the estimated 292 billion status updates would be an average of two lines, adding up to 584 billion total lines, with the words printed on to 8.3-by-11.7 inch paper in size 11 point Arial font.
Such a vast (and, frankly, utterly pointless) printing job wouldn’t come cheap either, with the ink alone costing $194.5 million or 147.2 million euros.
Cartridge Save surveyed 2,102 UK Facebook users by email to calculate their numbers, and outputted the whole lot into this pretty infographic for your viewing pleasure: