Google add more ‘fun’ to their mobile weather app

London in the rain, seen from a double decker bus

Google are insisting that their new weather website for mobiles manages to add some ‘fun’ to a week full of rainy forecasts, serving up the meteorological news in an “app-like way.”

After hauling in their user experience designer and gaggle of Google engineers, the new weather search interface was born, compete with a nifty slidey thing for a bit of interactive lolz.

Slide on

The all-improved interface shows all the usual stuff – current conditions and a forecast for the next few days – but a groovy slider lets you view detailed hour-by-hour breakdown of the changing weather conditions, with the temperature, wind speed and humidity changing accordingly.

Google add more 'fun' to their mobile weather app

And if that wasn’t all the fun your little heart could take, the background color changes throughout the day too. Damn, those crazy Google dudes!

This new fun weather search experience is currently available only in English, but more updates are en route, and to join in the fun, get thee to on your iPhone or Android-powered device and search for ‘weather’.

*edit: Actually we just tried that and got the BBC instead. Maybe it’s not rolled out to the UK yet.

(Top photo: London in the rain from a double decker bus)

About mike s


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