Pointless but wonderful: an ever-changing clock powered by hex colour code

Pointless but wonderful: an ever-changing hex colour clock

Some of the best things on the web are, frankly pretty useless, but it’s often their very pointlessness that makes them so compelling.

Pointless but wonderful: an ever-changing hex colour clock

Case in point is the browser  clock which can be found here.

So what does it do?

Well, it tells the time, so it’s not completely without purpose, but more than that it does so with added geekly appeal.

As the digital time rolls on, the numbers are converted into hex code, with the web page background changing colour appropriately. And that’s about the sum of it.

Pointless but wonderful: an ever-changing hex colour clock

If you’ve no idea what hex code is, then perhaps this website isn’t going to really appeal, but if you’re determined to get in on it, check out this handy explanation of hex code here.


About mike s

Editor, wirefresh.com

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