Swiftly shunt your Facebook photos into your Google+ account with Move2Picasa

Swiftly shunt your Facebook photos into your Google+ account with Move2Picasa

If – like us – you’re preparing to jump ship from Facebook and break free from its auto photo-taggin’ and auto group joinin’ ways, a new Chrome extension makes the job of moving to rival service Google+ a lot easier.

Swiftly shunt your Facebook photos into your Google+ account with Move2Picasa

The new Chrome extension called Move2Picasa makes it easy-peasy to shunt all the photos on your Facebook account into your shiny new Google+ account.

The extension first asks for access to your Facebook account and then presents you with a page showing you all the photos you have stored on your Facebook account, listed by photo album.

You can then select ‘upload all’ and swiftly despatch them on to your Picasa account which is, of course, accessible on your Google+ account.

We’re trying it out now but have been advised that the uploading process can take some time, so we’ll get back you if we encounter any problems.

Update: we did in fact have problems, possibly because we hadn’t updated Chrome for a while. A quick update and uninstall/reinstall of the extension got things working fine.


About mike s

Editor, wirefresh.com

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