Google Nexus 7 dock already shipping in the UK
The dock only went live in Google Play yesterday, with a delivery time quoted at between “one to two weeks.”
Google Nexus 7 dock already shipping in the UK Read MoreA snappy new tech blog
The dock only went live in Google Play yesterday, with a delivery time quoted at between “one to two weeks.”
Google Nexus 7 dock already shipping in the UK Read MoreIt seems to have taken an eternity to arrive, but the Google Nexus 7 Dock as finally appeared in the Google Play store, with a shipping date of ‘1-2 weeks.’
Google Nexus 7 Dock finally arrives in UK and USA Google Play stores Read MoreIt’s been a long time coming, and there’s still no news when us Brits will be getting them, but Asus has announced that the long awaited dock for their hugely …
Google Nexus 7 tablet dock set for US release at the end of the month Read MoreOwners of Samsung Galaxy S devices and iOS smartphones have got a sonic treat in store, courtesy of Samsung’s sumptuous new DA-E750 speaker dock.
Samsung’s sumptuous DA-E750 speaker dock packs vacuum tube, Galaxy S and iOS support Read MoreProclaiming itself as the “the world’s first iPhone dock which has a horn-shaped speaker made of brass,” this ridiculous confection is the work of Japan-based company, Pleiades Designs.
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HTC Desire USB desk cradle and second battery charger: review Read MoreWe’ve lost count of the weird and wonderful iPod docks we’ve seen released, and the new Luna 5 Encore iPod dock is certainly curiouser than most.
Luna 5 Encore – alien shaped iPod dock by Edifier Read More